Hearty and Delicious Lasagna Soup

Let the adventure begin with my Hearty and Delicious Lasagna Soup! This cozy and flavorful twist on the classic Italian dish brings traditional lasagna’s rich, savory flavors into a comforting soup. Perfect for those chilly evenings, this easy-to-make recipe is packed with ground beef, tomatoes, Italian herbs, and tender lasagna noodles, all topped with a generous sprinkle of melted cheese. Whether you’re an Italian cuisine enthusiast or simply looking for a new family favorite, this soup will become your kitchen’s go-to dish.

Hearty Lasagna Soup

Hearty and Delicious Lasagna Soup

Today, we're diving into a dish that answers a question no one asked: What if lasagna and soup had a delicious baby? Introducing the Hearty and Delicious Lasagna Soup—your new best friend for those lazy, "I just can't" days.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 6

The Flavorful Fellowship

  • The Cast of Ingredients:
  • Cooking Oil the stage manager. 2 tbsp
  • Ground beef our leading actor. 1 pound
  • Onion finely chopped – the supporting role. 1 cup
  • Garlic finely minced – for a touch of drama. 5 cloves
  • Italian seasoning the spice of life. 2 tsp
  • jar Italian pasta sauce 24 oz. – the plot thickens. 1
  • Chicken broth low sodium – the soup’s setting. 8 cups
  • Can Crushed tomatoes 14 oz. – for the twist. 1
  • Salt & Pepper to taste – the dynamic duo.
  • A Dash of Dried herbs Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary & 1 Bay leaf – the chorus.
  • Lasagna noodles broken – the rebels. 10-11
  • Basil freshly chopped – for a fresh perspective. cup
  • Heavy cream Mozzarella, and Parmesan cheese – the grand finale. cup

The Culinary Chronicles

  • ———The Script———
  • Heat oil in a pot – not just any pot, the pot of dreams.
  • Add our hero (the beef), onions, and garlic. Cook till it’s as brown as a beach tan.
  • Enter stage left: add the pasta sauce, chicken broth, and a medley of tomatoes, and herbs. They're like the ensemble cast in a musical – each adding their unique note.
  • The twist? Add the broken lasagna noodles because life's too short for perfection.
  • Let it simmer (for at least 30 minutes). Good things take time, like binge-watching your favorite show.
  • Add the cream and basil – think of it as the grand finale in a fireworks display.
  • Top with cheese. Because cheese is the fairy dust of the food world.

Adventurous Options

The FAQ Encore:
  • Add a large spoonful of ricotta cheese for an added pop!
  • Make it ahead? Sure, keep the noodles and basil backstage till showtime.
  • Swap the beef with turkey or Italian sausage for a plot twist.
  • The secret sauce? Your favorite Italian pasta sauce. Marinara or homemade, your call.
  • Noodle cook time? It varies, but stirring is your secret weapon against noodle mutiny.
  • Freezing? Sure, but let the noodles sit this one out.
The Curtain Call:
There you have it – a soup that’s more than just soup. It’s a comfort food extravaganza, a culinary cuddle, a noodle-y, beefy, cheesy hug in a bowl. Dive in, and let this Hearty and Delicious Lasagna Soup warm the cockles of your heart. And remember, in the world of cooking, anything is ‘pasta’-ble!
Stay Hungry,
Chef Ted
Founder – Let’s Cook
Keyword Italian, Lasagna, Soup,


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